Here are the two modules I wrote; they are pay what you want.
I compare non-AC attacks between 4e and 5e
If your players live long enough, they will eventually annoy the powerful.
Baneguards were created by evil wizards (as we would expect), and small red points of light appear in each of their eye sockets. There are three traits that set these low level skeletons apart from their undead brethren.
When you commit to an epic failure, you are tossing out the "just miss" or the random table and you are building it with the player.
To incentivize my players, I often offer bonus dice for journal entries, new players, or story construction
One of the ways I get buy-in and flesh out the world is to encourage players to journal as their characters after every adventure.
If you want to draw your characters from a pool of average people, use 3d6 for your ability scores.