Dolgrim were created by stitching the flesh of two goblins together.
Here are the two modules I wrote; they are pay what you want.
Dolgrim were created by stitching the flesh of two goblins together.
This is the point in the monomyth where the world comes and drops a problem in the lap of a hero or heroine, and they are forced to deal with it.
The obvious answer is that taverns are a meeting place; it’s where people in the town gather. Thus you can generally find people there, and some of them might want to offer you a job. There is something a little deeper going on, but I couldn’t put my finger on it
In D&D, if your monsters are not perceived as a credible threat, then it detracts from the overall tension of the story.
There is tension here. If a town exists, it’s pretty good at taking care of itself, but invariably, to make the story epic, defenses have to be rendered sufficiently helpless or corrupt as to make the heroes existence a necessity. That’s the whole point.
The shoe slammed into the right side of my face, the heel landed just below my eye. “Make a constitution check,” the DM of life said. “Um I rolled an 8. With my modifier, I have a total of 9,” I replied. “Not good enough… you are stunned and knocked prone”.
This giant has a slightly higher AC than normal (for a giant) and plenty of hit points, it should really shine in its crowd control abilities.